Practitioner Workshop: How to Master your Future Skills

Harmonia Palace Múzeum Street 9, Budapest, Hungary

Are you a facilitator of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method? And do you also experience that is it sometimes hard for people to change their mindset? 🤔 This is not […]

€325.00 – €350.00

Practitioner Workshop: How to Master your Future Skills

Caritas Tagungszentrum Fortbildungs-Akademie Wintererstraße 17-19, Freiburg, Germany

Bist Du Facilitator der LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methode? Und Du bemerkst, dass Menschen es manchmal Schwierig haben, ihre Denkweise anzupassen? 🤔 Dies ist nicht der übliche LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) […]

$325.00 – $350.00
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