Meet Kristina Starkl (Austria)
I have been dealing with healthcare and questions related to the healthcare sector since I was 16 years old. That is why it was completely clear to me that my path was going to be the study of health management, which in time, I undertook in Krems at the University of Applied Sciences. Time has flown by and I can hardly believe that I have now been working in the healthcare sector for 20 years and since 2018 as an independent management consultant and transformational coach. My clients are either at home, in hospital, or nursing homes, the pharmaceutical industry and doctors’ surgeries.

What led you to learn LSP?
My self-employment always leads me to new methods – I just wanted to develop myself further and learn something new, and of course I couldn’t avoid LSP! I am using this method more and more, especially in the setting of individual coaching, and I am thrilled and deeply moved and touched every time by what the Lego bricks can bring out of my clients. It’s a wonderful feeling for both the client and me as a coach/consultant.
What is your impression of LSP in Austria?
In a nutshell, a few keywords: innovative method, increased attention, modern, hip tool. I was able to participate in the joint offer of the Danube University and Bricks and Business and complete my LSP training there and was enthusiastic from the very first day.

What was your last workshop with LSP, what made it a good experience?
As mentioned above, I mostly work with it in individual settings in coaching. Although less often, I also use LSP in group settings for team development or in retreats.I would like to tell you about a wonderful process with my client’s permission.
In a nine-month process, she worked out her big life dreams during our coaching sessions, using the LSP method, and at the end, she mapped them out stone by stone with LSP (see photos). During that time, she went through a remarkable change process internally which she expressed via the Lego bricks. I get goosebumps every time I see the process unfold: what arises in my clients in a short time of working together and then becomes visible to the eyes through the use of their hands and the bricks and can then be expressed through language. We usually start in the classic way with a question, then we build, express what has been created and then reflect together.
And these are honestly the most beautiful assignments for me, deeply touching, life-changing and with goosebumps and happy clients.