Meet Manuel Alejandro Kantún Ramírez (Mexico)
Let’s get Back to the Basics
In the 5th issue of the LSP Magazine we published an article by Alejandro Kantún and Gloria de Léon on leadership. Since Alejandro has been working with the LSP method for a long time, we asked him to share some of his experiences.
Alejandro, how did you get the know the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method ? Can you share a few lines of LSP back then?
I met LEGO SERIOUS Play at an innovation convention in 2011 in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. At that point, I started researching how I could become a facilitator. I discovered that in 2012, Robert Rassmussen would give a certification in Panama and immediately signed up. Back then, LSP was considered something “exclusive” in coaching issues and companies refused to implement the methodology because the deliverables were not clear, yet customers who risked hiring the workshops used them as “a fun time” for the organization.
What was your last experience, your last workshop with LSP? Online / offline?
Currently, my approach with LEGO SERIOUS PLAY is oriented to the generation of clear, powerful deliverables and under an objective analysis of the insights obtained in a hybrid mode. During the pandemic period I had the opportunity to design at least 17 workshops with the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology and I was able to highlight that, although the sensory experience counts a lot, the meaning of the message has MORE POWER. Therefore, the challenge was not only to focus on the experience of the “play”, but on the experience of GENERATING KNOWLEDGE through the insights of each participant.
Is there a kind of community of facilitators in Mexico?
Indeed, one of the trainers of the Association of Master Trainers, represents the community in Mexico. People trained by the Association can contact her, Gloria de Léon. I actually don’t know about other examples.

Director de Carreras Universidad Tecnológica del Poniente
What is your aspiration with the LSP method?
My aspiration for the next period is to implement workshops focused on strategic deliverables, document the findings in an objective way and demonstrate that the methodology requires a critical approach, not only in 3D, but to translate it into a 2D medium: reports and deliverables. At the end, we must refer at this as: “Back to the basics”.